Forecasts of 5 government technologies in 2023

in the past few years Public sector customers around the world are rapidly moving to the cloud. To accelerate innovation in government, education, non-profit organizations space agency and health care Cloud technology helps the government to rapidly transform into the digital age. to better serve the public while being flexible and secure. Stepping into the year 2023, we will see what the government’s technology will be like next. and how government organizations can continue to adapt and innovate in an ever-changing world. including the changing needs of end users and their constituents successfully.

1. More adoption of AI and ML to improve outcomes

When AWS started public sector business in 2010, most customers were interested in the cloud for two reasons. is to save costs And to increase efficiency by hosting websites and using cloud storage. In the past decade Our public sector customers are increasingly proficient in leveraging the cloud. and realize the added benefits and potential with increased agility and scalability as usage. This helps the government to quickly create and introduce new services to the public. For example, building a nationwide vaccination platform in just a few weeks,  launching an app to combat misinformation during the COVID situation,  and governments modernizing their infrastructure to save time and improve efficiency. To be able to leverage resources to provide better services to their users, today’s public sector customers are looking to leverage the cloud for advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning (ML). ) and the Internet of Things to continue to drive innovation and efficiency.


For example,  the Zero Waste Zero Hunger (ZWZH) initiative  in South Korea uses data and artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce food waste. At the heart of the program is a three-dimensional (3D) food scanner that uses AI to analyze food consumption and provide insights to both cafeteria managers and diners. where the scanner uses AI and ML to analyze leftover food Identify food waste by type and cost. This includes collecting quantitative data that helps cafeteria managers optimize food items, volumes and menu choices. An average of 30% of cafeterias in South Korea use ZWZH to help reduce food waste. while reducing the amount of food left on the plate by up to 42 percent.

We expect that almost every application will eventually adopt AI and ML to drive results, reduce costs, save valuable time, and so on. Relevant, high-quality data is available to train ML models. For this reason, we recommend organizations develop data management strategies that continually improve data integrity, accessibility, and security.

2. Using the cloud to enhance citizens’ user experience

Today’s citizens expect a seamless experience when using services at government agencies. Banks, shops and hotels know their customers. able to anticipate demand and meet the needs of customers impressively The public expects that various government agencies will be able to do the same.

Many people are facing challenges. More and more governments and government organizations are turning to the cloud. To be able to use the right resources at the right time. from unemployment insurance to providing services directly to the public

in the next few years The commitment to elevate and personalize citizens’ experiences will become more widespread. As we continue to advance IoT and ML data analytics as governments become more accustomed to deploying these technologies,

3. Experiments with Quantum Processing

Quantum computers can speed up computational tasks beyond the capabilities of conventional computers. and with the cloud Organizations no longer need to be one of the world’s largest companies or the most advanced research institutions to take advantage of this powerful technology.

A few years ago, AWS introduced  Amazon Braket  , which allows customers to experiment with different types of quantum hardware, and for the first time, Amazon Braket can compare different quantum technologies side by side and switch. together by changing a single line of code We recently established   the AWS Center for Quantum Computing at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), a  pioneer  in quantum computing and quantum data  . Fundamental science and engineering challenges include developing new hardware, software, and applications for quantum networks, and we have the Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab to help customers accelerate the development of quantum solutions.

AWS has partnered with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in India to establish the  Quantum Computing Applications Lab (QCAL)  to give the scientific community, academics and developers access to quantum computing developments. This is in line with the Indian government’s science and technology priorities. The Australian National University uses AWS to launch a number generator that generates random numbers unaffected by human thinking at high speed and in real time.

Although still in the early stages But we believe that quantum computing has immense potential and is something we will continue to invest in. As more organizations can experiment with quantum computing, it becomes easier. So we encourage government clients to consider what Quantum can do to support their goals.

  1. The use of object modeling is increasingly digital and large-scale simulations.

The Digital Twin is a modeling of objects in the digital world. Data is dynamically updated to mimic the actual structure, state, and behavior of the system.

Although the concept of digital twins is not new and dates back to the early days of the space program,  But the cloud is making this technology more accessible. So all our customers can build and run simulations at scale. Enterprises can take advantage of this technology without any special hardware or expertise.

For example,  AWS IoT TwinMaker  is a service that enables customers to model objects in the real world of physical and digital systems. The service creates digital images using measurements and analysis from a variety of sensors, cameras, and enterprise applications. And recently at re:Invent 2022, AWS announced  AWS SimSpace Weaver  , a fully AWS-managed compute service. that will help customers build, operate, and run large-scale simulations.

We are already seeing government customers taking advantage of these technologies today, such as the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine that earlier this year. the school research project announcement designed to create an individual “Digital Twin” using health and environmental data gathered from sensors in the home and on the body. Once established, the Digital Twin is used by healthcare practitioners to test and evaluate various treatment options and potential outcomes before they are actually implemented. This is a breakthrough that allows precise, personalized medicine to be dispensed based on data gathered directly from the individual and their environment.

As barriers to entry continue to decrease We foresee that more and more government agencies will use digital twin to solve various problems.

  1. commercial space

The higher-than-normal growth in the global space industry is creating many opportunities for innovation. In 2021, the space industry is growing at its fastest pace in years. And of the 1,022 spacecraft in orbit in the first six months of 2022, the majority, or  958  , will come from the commercial sector.

AWS reduces the access barriers that enterprises in the aerospace industry often face. This includes high latency. Limited bandwidth network and infrastructure We see organizations of all sizes being able to contribute because AWS provides the infrastructure, speed, and security needed to be successful. Even smaller organizations can make a big impact by leveraging the cloud for future space goals.

For example, the company Lunar Outpost uses AWS digital engineering tools such as  AWS RoboMaker  to develop and test new probes that will automatically guide the lunar surface. and helped scientists explore the Moon’s south pole for the first time. AWS digital engineering tools are essential for testing robots in harsh operating conditions. to prepare for the upcoming launch of the first new probe

We also support governments to meet their space goals and accelerate space innovation. For example, AWS has partnered with the Office for Space Technology and Industry in Singapore to support the country’s space goals. As a new industry with great potential for economic growth and technological development

Space innovation can happen anywhere. And we will continue to see government and business customers invent new approaches to space missions.

look forward

Organizations with strong digital foundations have proven to be in a better place. Able to serve quickly and maintain continuity as well Having the right tools helps organizations prepare and respond to any situation yet to come. while driving the next wave of innovation. At AWS, we are focused on supporting our public sector customers around the world. To unlock the potential of the cloud and accelerate the adoption of new technologies to better address challenges and serve citizens.

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